Three things to know to get started

The first thing you should know about Crossroads user data is that it is recorded anonymously. Data are recorded with a username and password selected by the user. Neither the Strong Mind Strong Body Foundation nor The Julia Group (developer of the software) can give you the username of any specific individual. If you are working with youth and would like to use either the psychological assessment measures or their responses to the risk and opportunity scenarios, the only way to have access to these data are if the user gives you their username. you do not need their password. You should explain to youth that this will allow you to have access to their data.

Second, you’ll need to register in the Crossroads database. When you received your licenses for the software you will have also received the password to get into the registration/ login page. We can help you with that password if you forgot it, just email us at

Third, to register you need to create a personal username and password. That one, you’ll have to remember.

Why? Because we are very serious about data security?

Why do I need to get the username from each youth, then login with TWO passwords, one to get to the page and one to get to the data for the youth I’m working with? Why? Because we are very serious about data security. By requiring two logins and through the need for the youth to personally give you his or her password, we can be very sure that the data will remain secure.