Everyone Deserves a Good Education
We need to give all students an opportunity to succeed.
We need to give all students an opportunity to succeed.
A successful internship program requires meaningful work, which we define as including four “shoulds”
Cleaning my office, I came across notes in my office from an event where adults with disabilities gave career advice to youth.
Big things are happening with students learning to think globally and act locally.
This is what sustainable community building looks like and how we create change.
We are developing a community solutions program with youth that helps solve community problems in Minneapolis.
Who gave YOU your first job? Most people cracked that conundrum of not being able to get a job without experience and not being able to get experience without a job when SOMEONE gave them their first shot.
Strong Mind Strong Body Foundation provided a small grant to support the Gompers Middle School Judo program.
Why you need games for decision-making in your program.
Recently, we announced the partnership between Strong Mind Strong Body Foundation and 7 Generation Games to provide free educational resources to students in order to help them face: risk of child sexual abuse, exposure to domestic violence in the home, and creating a safety plan among others. We had several people ask us the same…